Monday, August 11, 2008

A man once observed someone from a distance early in the morning on a beach. The young man
seemed to be bending down, picking up something and throwing it into the ocean. He seemed to be doing it continuously for quite some time.Out of curiosity, the man went closer to see what was happening. Then he asked the young man as to what he was doing. The young man replied that a number of starfishes had been washed over to the beach. As the Sun was rising and the water level was receding, the starfishes were likely to die if they were not thrown back into the ocean.The observer laughed at this and said to the young man, there are miles and miles of beach and thousands of starfishes lying all along the coast. You CANNOT possibly make a difference!The young man continued to do what he was doing. He picked up one more starfish, gently threw it into the ocean and said, Well, at least it made a difference to that starfish!What that young man was choosing to do was to ACT. He was doing something in his zone of influence, rather than saying that he could not possibly make a difference because the problem was so large. In a way, he choose to light a small candle, rather than curse the darkness.From the above case example it is very clear that each one of us should choose to focus on our zone of influence to make a difference, wherever we can. clearly evident from the above story all of us have the ability to make a difference in someone's lives back home. SPANDANA has been started with this sole purpose. We are striving to make a difference in education, health care and better living of poor and needy. Spandana have helped lot of meritorious students, supported for expensive surgeries for people with poor economic background. Spandana also organized health camps and served thousands of rural Indians. A small contribution can make a huge difference for people back home. Please join Spandana to make a difference!
Vision without action is a day-dream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

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